Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Graduation Weekend

I am graduating from college on Sunday. I have actually earned a degree in mathematics. I cannot believe HOW MUCH I've learned over the past four years. My first college math class was calculus, and my last college math class was spent proving all of the theorems I learned in calculus. It's pretty amazing to realize all of the skills I have gained mathematically. Not to mention that I have learned how to work my behind off, even when I am not seeing the results I want (ahem...modern algebra....ahem). The skills that I have developed will without a doubt help me, in ways I don't even realize, in the future.

That is just a tiny glimpse into how I've grown through my major. I can't even begin to express all that I've learned, and all of the ways I've been stretched when it comes to my faith over the past four years. I have learned that being a "Christian" doesn't always look the way I expect it to look - and that people who have other opinions than mine, have actual reason that they hold their beliefs. And GRACE. Oh have I learned more and more about grace (by God's grace :) ) It always overwhelms me when I actually take the time to stop and think about grace. Each year was marked by something different:

Freshman Year:

Sophomore Year:
*deaths in the family

Junior Year:
*awesome house-mates
*math...math...math..extremely difficult
*giving my whole heart back to God

Senior Year:
*unknown future
*getting engaged
*GRADUATING (6/13/10)

It's so good to remember. (ALL over the Old Testament....should probably take note, just gotta remember... ;) ) It is such a healthy practice to remind yourself of all of the good things God has done. So my goal for this weekend: remember. Think back on all of the incredible ways that God has shown me His love - and His incredible grace, and learn to continue to TRUST that He will always, no matter what, continue to do the same in the future.

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