Friday, June 25, 2010

Future Grace

I have just begun to read Future Grace by John Piper. Really, just begun - like I've only read the 2 forwards and Chapter 1 (out of 31!) - but I'm already extremely excited about what I'm reading. It was interesting glancing back at my blurb about "remembering" in my blog about graduation (yes...I just linked to my own's ok, I promise. I've seen other bloggers do it). John Piper makes the point that a lot of Christian's today base their faith on past grace - the graces of God shown to them in the past - through practices like remembering, and thankfulness. Piper says that these things aren't bad to do - remembering the cross of Christ is the foundation of our faith! Rather, his claim is that a persevering faith, is a faith that is also based upon future grace - trusting that the God who has shown us grace in the past (in so many vastly different ways) will continue to do so in the future. This is why, he claims, so many people become Christians, are "on fire", and then it "fizzles" out - because they only base their faith on past grace, and don't have faith in future grace. (now...this is entirely my own paraphrase, and what I got out of what he said, so if I'm off base, it's not necessarily due to what Piper has written). I'm really interested to keep reading and hopefully grow my faith in future grace!


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