Thursday, June 30, 2011

Isaiah 32

I've heard it said before that the woman really sets the tone for the house. When you walk into a home there is always a certain "feel" about it - and it's really the woman who gives the house that "feel". This has seemed to be true in my own experience - you walk into a home and it feels chaotic....then you meet the mom.....and you understand. Or you walk into a home that feels at peace - feels like a HOME.....and then you meet the mom, and you understand. (Obviously the man of the home has a HUGE impact on the family and home dynamics, but I'm just thinking about the woman's role right now) This was all an interesting thought until a few days ago when Scripture confirmed this truth for me, and I have a reignited desire to be a woman who creates a peaceful home.

Isaiah 32:9-20

This section of Scripture, from what I can tell, was/is talking to women - the women of Jerusalem. The first half or so is warning women who are complacent and comfortable with their lives - warning them that all of their comfort and security may be stripped away. This gave me quite a bit of food for thought, but what really struck me in this passage were verses 17-20 which says:

"The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely, how blessed you will be, sowing your seed by every stream, and letting your cattle and donkeys range free."

A righteous woman will be at peace.
A righteous woman will exude quiet confidence - forever. Quiet confidence. I love that. Trust in God will cause a woman to have a confidence that runs deep - she doesn't need to say anything - she just knows that God is God, God is good, and God will provide.

Then it goes on to immediately say: "My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest"

I can't help but make the connection that a righteous woman who is at peace will create a home that is peaceful for her family. Her husband and children can come home to an "undisturbed place of rest".

What a beautiful picture. What a difficult task - yet, it's such a simple task really. Since our righteousness doesn't come from ourselves anyway - it is truly Christ that sets the tone for a home. I will pray that Christ will use me to help set the tone for my home - and show me what it means to be at peace, to have quietness and confidence, and to let the peace of Christ reign in my home.

1 comment:

  1. Love this. Thanks for being a great example. Great thoughts. I hope to also create a peaceful home. :)
